Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Erxecise to live a healthy

exercise control weight- exercise can prevent axcess weight gain bcause engaging into physical activities which burn calories. For example student at campus could just use the stairs  instead of using the elevator.
exercise combat health conditions because regular  physical activity can help prevent or manage wide range of health problems such as stroke and depression.
exercise improve moods when you need an emotional lift or need to blow of some steam after a stressfull day. Aworkout at the gym for 30 minutes can help, physical activity stimulates variouse brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relax.

Exerciseboost the energy because when doing grocery or households regular this are like physical activities that can improve your muscle strength and boost your energy. Exercise and physical activity deliver oxygen and nutrients to your tissue and help yo cardiovascular system work more effecienty.

So i suggest that exrcising should be of an everyday routine

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

2014 Fifa world cup
You can be truly suprised that i am lady because i am big fan of soccer. The excitement i had about the world cup it was so overwhelming, my favourite teams were Ghana, Nigeria and Argentina that wre the teams that would sacrifise doing my school work when the had a match to play. To me soccer makes me to be so emotional because it sometimes feels like i am the one who is playing that ball when my favourite teams does not score any goals.

My favourite match was the semi finals between Argentina and Germany that was the best of them all , the game was very tough neither of the team wanted to loose that led to the game to have a an extra time which both teams were fighting for  pernalities this was so intresting until the back line of Argetina was distracted by a player of Germay and they scored a goal which led to a 1Germany and 0 Argentina. I was so sad because my best team lost and i could see that my favourite player Messi was so sad because he was working for his team to win but it was the end of the worl after all it is just a game.

At the end Germany won so i might as well be happy for them because they also worked hard to be in the finals. Messi got a golden ball for being the best player who had good passes and the Germany goalkeeper got golden ball for being the best goalkeeper of the tonarment